The McCarran Marketplace Park Located at 5800 Surrey Street along the south side of Russell Road at Surrey Avenue, features two artificial turf sports fields. Following 10 years of tremendous wear and tear, the fields were deemed unsafe and were closed. After almost three years of being offline Clark County, Real Property Management called upon RWA to facilitate the $1.5 million replacement of over 195,000 s.f. of artificial turf. Now, the fields have reopened with a new state-of-the-art Coolplay with ChillFill System, manufactured and installed by Sprinturf, which is a new technology that includes proven long-term safety and performance characteristics that exceed the industry standards for player safety that now supports soccer, lacrosse, and football games with additional off-field areas for spectators. RWA was tasked to adhere to a tight schedule for a quick project turnaround to have the fields able to accommodate the fall sports season.
OWNER • Clark County Real Property
LOCATION • Las Vegas, Nevada
AREA • 195,056+/- SF